Charlton School

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

We are committed to promoting an environment where our students can support not only their own emotional health and wellbeing, but also that of those around them. This is done in many ways across the whole school through PSHE lessons, form times discussions, wellbeing week and pastoral support. Students learn that it is good to talk about how they are feeling and how they can respond if someone talks to them about something that they are worried about. This encompasses teaching students how to support their own emotional health and wellbeing through being active and eating healthily and provides guidance of how to seek help if necessary.

Students can seek help and advice using many apps and websites on the school website, they can visit the drop in session every morning before form time, email our specific emotional health email address, fill in an online referral form or use our anonymous reporting tool ‘tootoot’ by following the link below. A form is also available at the bottom of this page to enable parents and carers to make a referral for a young person to receive enhanced support.

We have a graduated response to support students with their emotional health and wellbeing. The universal offer is delivered through wellbeing PSHE and RSE, form tutor mentoring and opportunities for students to develop confidence, resilience, and knowledge within wider school life. We also offer a range of small group interventions and individual counselling where additional support is needed.

At Charlton School we believe that helping our students stay healthy by supporting their Emotional Health and Wellbeing is vitally important. We recognise that there are enormous challenges for everyone at the moment and have therefore created a page to guide our students and families to seek support.

Below are links that may be useful to help with a wide range of scenarios, some websites then link into many other sources of information and support. This is not an exhaustive list as there are many other interesting sources of guidance on the internet, but these are a good starting point if you feel you need to seek advice or assistance during this time.

If you have a concern regarding your son or daughter’s mental health please contact school by email, either through your son or daughter’s Pastoral Manager, or a referral through:

If your concern happens out of school hours, and is urgent (usually that the young person is at imminent risk to themselves or others) then please try to make an appointment with your GP and request an urgent referral to BeeU.

This doesn’t include referrals for ASD or ADHD, as these need to be made to the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Panel through school, as usual.




Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support

COVID 19 Specific Support and Resources

Year 7
Mr Delves
01952 386813
Year 8
Ms Millar
01952 386819
Year 9
Miss Darrall
01952 386809
Year 10
Miss Thomas
01952 386818
Year 11
Mr Mincher
01952 386811
Digital & Online Safety
Miss Littleford
01952 386861
Emotional Health
Miss Wills
01952 386800
Lead DSL
Mrs Bithell
01952 386800