Charlton School

At Charlton school parents and students receive information on Progress, Attainment and Attitude to Learning at the following points of the year:

  • Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 – November and March and July
  • Year 11 – November, January and March
  • Year 11 receive an annual written report in March
  • Years 7-10 receive an End of Year written report in July

Key Stage 4

The Progress Tracking grids received by students in Years 10 and 11 follow the format on the right:



Col-A: Subject Identification.         

Col-B: ATL Attitude to Learning scores are given using the criteria below; each student is given a grade that ‘best fits’ the criteria. The grade does not necessarily mean that every descriptor applies to a student.

Col-C: The current working at (WA) column shows the grade that the teacher believes your child would achieve if they sat the GCSE now, based on evidence collected.

Col-D: The MEG gives an estimate of the minimum grade we would expect your child to achieve if they were committed and focused in and out of lessons.  It has been calculated using a range of information and many students will achieve higher grades than their minimum expected grade (MEG).

Attitude to Learning (ATL) grades are judged using a ‘best fit’ approach on the criteria:

Outstanding (1)

  • An independent, resilient learner who inspires others.
  • Learning extends outside the classroom.
  • Respectfully asks insightful questions to further their learning.
  • Acts quickly and responsibly when responding to feedback.
  • Resilient and self-motivated.
  • Takes pride in the presentation of their work.

 Good (2)

  • Works hard and stays focused on the task; shows a willingness to help others.
  • Responsibility: completes work to the best of their ability.
  • Listens respectfully and contributes positively.
  • Responds positively to all ‘close the gap’ comments and asks for help when needed.
  • Prepared for lessons with correct equipment.
  • Respects the learning environment and keeps it clean and tidy.

 Needs to Improve (3)

  • Gets involved in off task behaviour and can be distracted by others.
  • Completes work but not to the best of their ability.
  • Avoids asking for help and doesn’t respond fully to ‘close the gap’ comments.
  • Needs to follow instructions first time.
  • Doesn’t always have the right equipment.
  • Shows a lack of respect for the learning environment.

 Cause for Concern (4)

  • Lacks concentration and distracts others.
  • Avoids work and doesn’t ask for help.
  • Makes inappropriate comments and talks over the teacher.
  • Finds opportunities to be out of seat or leave lessons.
  • Does not have the right equipment.
  • Shows no respect for the learning environment or classroom resources. 

How are GCSE Minimum Expected Grades calculated?

When your child joins Charlton School, we use their Key Stage 2 data (if available) and CAT4 assessments to provide guidance on their minimum expected progress from the beginning of year 7 to the end of year 11. We access Fischer Family Trust (FFT) data sets to support in this process to ensure the MEG is aspirational but realistic.

Key Stage 3

Reports in Years 7, 8 and 9 follow a different format as they are not following GCSE courses.  Some subjects gather information through end of topic assessments and will provide a % score for your child.  The report also shows the Year Average % as a comparison.  Over time you will be able to see your child’s progress in terms of their % score.

Other subjects provide a number of ‘I can’ statements across their subject area, enabling students to understand what skills and knowledge they have achieved and which they must focus on in order to continue to make progress.

In addition, students receive an Attitude to Learning score in line with the guidance given above. An example of the section of the report for Computer Science is given to the right:




Availability of Reports

All progress tracking grids, and written reports are available electronically on MCAS (My Child At School) portal for parents and carers to access.  They are also emailed home separately. 

Hard copies of Progress Tracking Grids are given to students and tutors.

If there are any questions regarding progress tracking reports, please do not hesitate to contact  Mrs Ventress