Charlton School

The exam season has started, we have completed speaking exams and practical exams, with formal written exams starting on 9th May.  To ensure the exam season runs smoothly we would like to remind students of our expectations and have attached JCQ information for parents to guide you in supporting us in school.


Exam timings:  Morning exams will start at 9.00am and afternoon exams will begin at 1.00pm.  Your child will need to arrive for the exams in good time to ensure they have a calm start.  Following completion of the afternoon exams, students will be able to leave school early, if the exam finishes before 3.10pm.


Equipment: We expect all students to bring their own equipment. If using a pencil case, it must be clear.  All exams must be completed with a black penA calculator will be needed for a range of exams such as Maths, Science, Business and Geography, along with a pencil, ruler, and protractor.


Phones, watches and headphones:  Mobile phones, headphones and smart watches need to be switched off and either left at home or in a bag at the back of the exam room. If a student is found with a mobile phone or smart watch in their possession, they may be disqualified from the exam.

Standard watches are also not allowed in the exam room and should be left at home or in a bag at the back of the exam hall.


Students are allowed to take a clear bottle of water into the exam, if needed.


Absence: If your child is unwell on the day of the exam, they must make every effort to come into school and sit their exam. If they are too unwell to attend, they will score 0 on that paper and we will need medical evidence to submit to the exam board.  If your child does not attend an exam without medical evidence, you will be charged for the missed exam.  The average cost of each exam is £50.


Pre-exam breakfast: Following the success of this initiative last year, we will be offering a complimentary breakfast prior to any morning exam. There will be pastries, fruit and juice available from 8.10am and we encourage students to take the opportunity to eat and spend some time completing last minute preparation in a calm environment.


Shirt signing: Many students like a signed shirt as a memento of their time at Charlton and we will be allowing this to happen on Friday 24th May from break time, following the completion of the French exam. Shirt signing should take place during social time and not in lessons. 

Students will be allowed to leave site from 11.15am onwards on this Friday.


All students will be expected to wear an unsigned shirt for all exams.


Students will attend all lessons during the exam season. If they have completed a course, they will be expected to bring revision for other subjects to these lessons.


We wish all students the very best of luck and hope they achieve the results that enable them to progress on to their chosen pathways for post-16.


Yours faithfully

Mr A McNaughton - Principal