Children and young people spend a lot of time online. It can be a great way for them to socialise, explore and have fun, but children do also face risks like cyberbullying or seeing content that’s inappropriate. We have collated together some helpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online. E-safety has a very high priority at Charlton and all students receive advice and guidance appropriate to their age and ‘e-awareness’. Students receive advice about e-safety in their ICT lessons and get more targeted input during assemblies and e-safety sessions.
Being safe is also about teaching youngsters to make the right decisions as they develop independence and start to go out on their own or, to be home alone. The resources and links provided on this page offer advice to parents and carers when dealing with setting boundaries and giving responsibility. Parents may also wish to review the information on the NSPCC website related to e-safety.
Charlton encourages children, parents and staff to report concerns about harmful or upsetting content as well as online bullying or abuse. These concerns should be reported to your child’s pastoral manager or (Deputy DSL) Miss Littleford
However, other reporting mechanisms are also available to children, parents and staff:
- reporting harmful online content to the UK Safer Internet Centre
- getting government advice and trusted resources from Educate Against Hateon safeguarding from radicalisation, building resilience to extremism, and promoting shared values
- get advice on reporting online abuse from the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection command
- get advice and support from Anti-Bullying Alliancefor children who are being bullied.
The government publication Coronavirus (COVID-19): keeping children safe online - GOV.UK ( also provides information, advice and guidance that may be useful to you.
Below are links to online agencies specialising in E Safety.
(Please note these are external links and not affiliated with Charlton School)
We're here to help everyone report harmful content online
If you've experienced or witnessed harm online we can help. Report Harmful Content can help you to report harmful content online by providing up to date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms
Parental Advice
The 360 degree safe tool allows schools/academies to review their online safety provision, benchmark it against good practice and other schools/academies, produce action plans and access good practice resources. 1 (green) is the highest level, 5 is the lowest and the blue line indicates the national level. Charlton has achieved level 1 in all aspects and is awaiting accreditation.