15.07.20 LCT Update to Parents
This is my final letter of the term and the school year as we close our schools tomorrow for the summer holidays.
15.07.20 LCT Update to Parents
Dear Parents,
This is my final letter of the term and the school year as we close our schools tomorrow for the summer holidays.
I know all our staff across our schools need a break, it has been an unprecedented time for school leaders, teachers and support staff in dealing with the challenges of school closures and the pandemic. I am sure you will join with me in thanking all our staff for the work they have done supporting our children and maintaining education through Home Learning.
We are very focused on September and the re-opening of our schools and you will have received communications from your child’s school about arrangements for September. We will be keeping all of our plans under review over the summer, and parents will get confirmation of arrangements during the last week of the holiday, but we expect to fully open all our schools from the 2nd September 2020.
As you may be aware there has been a COVID-19 case in HLC Secondary this week. I just want to set the record straight because of mis-reporting in the press last night. The student tested positive on Sunday and was at home. The school was informed by parents on Monday morning. The student had not been in school at the end of last week, so Public Health informed us that due to the timescales this meant there was no risk to students and staff. However, the school took the decision to close the bubble immediately, send children and staff home whilst they took further advice and guidance from Public Health over the next 24 hours. The Trust is very confident that this was well managed and the individual student, their family and the families involved have had significant support for the school.
I want to thank you all for being so incredibly supportive over the last few months as we all had to get used to living and working differently. Thank you also to those parents who have sent wonderful messages and cards to me over the last few weeks expressing their thanks for the work of their child’s school and the Trust as a whole. It has been a huge team effort and we have had to quickly react to changing government policy.
Do enjoy the summer, please stay safe and well. We look forward to having a great start in September and seeing all our children and young people.
Kind regards,
Dr. Gill Eatough
Date Published: 15 Jul 2020