Charlton School

80th anniversary of D-Day

Today commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which took place on 6th June 1944.

Today commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which took place on 6th June 1944.
The D-Day landings saw troops from the UK, US, Canada and France attacking German forces in Normandy, northern France, during World War Two. It was the largest seaborne invasion ever attempted, and marked the start of the campaign to liberate Nazi-occupied north-west Europe. By late August of that year, the Allies would liberate Paris.
Today, students will be watching a special assembly led by the history department that details the events of D-Day, its impacts and how veterans today remember it.
The following video shows Mr Foskett on the Pegasus Bridge in Ranville, France, playing 'The Last Post'.
Watch Here: