Year 11 LEAVERS - Message from Principal
Exam Results information – Please read!
Dear parent / carer,
I hope you and our students are managing to stay positive during this extremely uncertain time, on the run up to results day. I understand from speaking with many of you the concerns raised due to the negative publicity surrounding the A-Level results, we share your concerns.
As many of you are aware, appeals guidance had been published but now withdrawn by Ofqual, we are still awaiting a final outcome from discussions between the DfE and Ofqual about any rights of appeal if we or you are unhappy with the outcomes issued to our students. We will inform you of this on results day, assuming it has been published by then.
As soon as we get sight of the results this week we will analyse the difference between the grades provided by us and the ones issued by the exams board, and look to take any action available to us to ensure our students receive the grades they deserve.
I have been in communication with several of our college and sixth form providers, who have reassured me that they will do all they can to support students who we believe are awarded grades lower than they deserve, if this does happen, to ensure they can make the progression onto the courses they have applied for.
Just as a reminder, results will be emailed to students after 8:00am on Thursday 20th August 2020, through the student’s school email account. Advice and guidance on how to access the school email system through either a PC or mobile phone can be found at the link below, any students struggling to access their email can contact for password reminders and resetting.
Advice and Guidance on emails:
If you would like to receive the results via an alternative email address you should have made contact with our exams officer by the end of today, Miss Taylor, on stating the name and date of birth of the student and the additional email address you wish to receive the results on.
Please try to remain calm and positive, as soon as we know more as a school, we will share the information with you. I look forward to celebrating the successes of our students on Thursday.
Yours faithfully
Andrew McNaughton
Date Published: 14 Aug 2020