Examination results 2020
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions that remain in place and through consultation with the Learning Community Trust, a decision has been made that results will either be emailed or sent to students via post this year.
Examination results 2020
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions that remain in place and through consultation with the Learning Community Trust, a decision has been made that results will either be emailed or sent to students via post this year.
Results will be emailed to students after 8:00am on Thursday 20th August 2020, through the student’s school email account. Advice and guidance on how to access the school email system through either a PC or mobile phone can be found at the link below, any students struggling to access their email can contact helpme@charlton.uk.com for password reminders and resetting.
Advice and Guidance on emails: http://www.charlton.uk.com/quick-links/students/study-zone
If you would like to receive the results via an alternative email address please contact our Exams Officer, Miss Taylor, on jo.taylor1@charlton.uk.com stating the name and date of birth of the student and the additional email address you wish to receive the results on. Please notify Miss Taylor by Monday 20th July.
If, however you would prefer to receive the GCSE results by post, please send a stamped self-addressed envelope with a covering letter, asking for the results to be posted to Miss Taylor, Exams Officer. This needs to be received in school by Wednesday 15th July.
As you will know from my previous correspondence, Ofqual have produced guidance about the processes around the generation of results. This guidance can be found here:
School will only be open to facilitate the sending of results on Thursday 20th August. For queries outside of this date, these can be made to Miss Taylor when the school reopens on Tuesday 1st September.
We wish all our students the very best of luck this summer.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school, should you have any questions.
Yours faithfully
Mr A McNaughton
Date Published: 06 Jul 2020