Message from Principal 28.06.22
As we approach the end of the summer term, I would like to share a change to our school day timings with you and give some reminders for the new year.
Dear Parent/Carer,
As we approach the end of the summer term, I would like to share a change to our school day timings with you and give some reminders for the new year.
You may be aware that the government have produced a white-paper for education, setting out their plans for the coming years. One of their expectations is that schools should be open for 32 ½ hours per week and where this is not the case, schools should move to this as quickly as possible.
We are currently 10 minutes per day short of these hours and so from September we will be extending the school day to finish at 3.10pm. The additional time will go on to our break and lunch to extend them back to pre-covid lengths, having received feedback from students and parents about concerns over the current timings.
In addition, and following a Student Voice survey, we are returning to year group based breaks and lunches as opposed to the subject based system we currently operate. We will be having two split break and lunchtimes with at least half of a year group on each sitting.
I informed you earlier in the year of a change to our uniform for girls for September. We are moving to black trousers or skirts for girls. These should be black tailored trousers (not skinny trousers – straight leg only), or a black knee length pleated skirt. For existing students who have recently bought new uniform, blue trousers/skirts will be accepted until September 2023.
Further guidance on our uniform expectations, including information on the need to wear school shoes and not trainers, can be found on our website
As the year has progressed, we have noticed a disappointing rise in students not bringing the necessary equipment to school. For example, we are having to issue too many students with basic equipment such as pens and pencils. Please check to ensure your child is coming to school fully prepared for their learning.
From September we expect all students to bring a bag to school every day, in which they should have all the necessary equipment. This includes as a minimum, the following stationery, 2 pens and pencils, a rubber, ruler, sharpener and a scientific calculator. A set of highlighters and coloured pencils may also be useful. We also expect students to be carrying a reading book, they will have opportunities to read this in school and they should also be reading daily at home.
May I take this opportunity to thank you again for your support over the last 12 months, we have had a great year, returning to something like normal, with many extra-curricular opportunities providing some fantastic sporting successes and highlights for the year such as our school show and recent Charltonbury Festival.
In the coming weeks we will celebrate our sporting successes at the PE awards evening, I wish all the teams the very best of luck in the team of the year award, and we will give students the opportunities to participate in sports day and inter-form competitions. Please encourage your child to participate and represent their forms in pursuit of the house champions trophy.
Yours faithfully
Mr A McNaughton
Date Published: 28 Jun 2022