Message Update to YR7
As I have previously communicated, we are delighted with how well our new Year 7 students have settled into life at Charlton.
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you are well and are beginning to look forward to the build up to Christmas.
As I have previously communicated, we are delighted with how well our new Year 7 students have settled into life at Charlton. Their behaviour, attitude to learning and commitment to extra-curricular activities has been very impressive. I write to thank you for your ongoing support and to highlight some key information as we move forward this term.
Pioneer Centre
We are delighted to announce that the trip to the Pioneer Centre has now been confirmed for the 12th to the 14th of January. I know it was a huge disappointment for many when the trip was postponed, so we are really pleased that we can now look forward to this being back on the calendar. Further details will be sent in the coming days regarding the trip, in the meantime if you would like to have a look for yourself there is information about the facilities and activities on the following website:
Many Year 7 students are already taking part in clubs and activities as part of our enrichment offer. We Encourage all students to attend at least one club each week. If your child has not yet started a club please share the extra-curricular timetables with them and encourage them to give some of the activities a try. We hope you will agree there is something for everyone and your child will join at least one of the activities on offer. You can view the timetables for ‘Project Charlton’, PE and Expressive Arts activities through the following link:
Many of you took advantage of the opportunity to speak to your child’s form tutor at our recent transition evening, it was lovely to hear such positive feedback from the tutors who enjoyed speaking with you and discussing the positive start children have made. In addition to the feedback offered on the evening we would like to offer you the opportunity to feedback as parents and carers about your experience of transition this year. If you could spare a moment to complete the survey by clicking on the following link we would be very appreciative:
Thankyou again for your commitment to your child’s education which undoubtedly has enabled them to make such a positive transition to secondary phase.
Kind regards,
A Vickers
Date Published: 19 Nov 2021