Progress with Distance Learning - Update 01/05/2020
As we approach the end of the sixth week since the start of school closure, I write on behalf of all of the Charlton team to thank you for your support in working in partnership with us during what are extremely challenging times. We have been working hard to support those children of key workers in school, while responding to the many questions that you as parents and carers have in relation to your own child depending on their year group. Staff have been developing at pace the way they work to provide appropriate materials for all children at home; making every effort to ensure that all students are able to continue with their studies as required, albeit in very different circumstances.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re : Progress with Distance Learning.
As we approach the end of the sixth week since the start of school closure, I write on behalf of all of the Charlton team to thank you for your support in working in partnership with us during what are extremely challenging times. We have been working hard to support those children of key workers in school, while responding to the many questions that you as parents and carers have in relation to your own child depending on their year group. Staff have been developing at pace the way they work to provide appropriate materials for all children at home; making every effort to ensure that all students are able to continue with their studies as required, albeit in very different circumstances.
We have been overwhelmed by the positive comments received from you in school and delighted that we have been able to share some of the fantastic work which has been completed via our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and school website). We are very aware of the pressures that you will be feeling at home, and pleased that you have been able to give encouragement to your child which will hopefully allow them to keep engaged and up to speed with their work until such time that we return to school.
A number of parents have asked how best to manage the days at home in regards to their child’s working, clearly it is difficult to dictate what this should look like. Our advice is to try and structure the week around a pattern that supports you and provides some routine across the week. Staff have been asked to set work over a given period of time and to take into account how many lessons they would normally have taught; all work is communicated through the ‘Classwork’ section in Doddle. The key pieces of assessment work for students will always appear in the ‘Homework’ section and will be key to support your child’s return to school. We are aware that circumstances are different for every family, but would encourage you to carefully look at the assessed ‘Homework’ tasks with your child.
Staff are making direct contact via e-mail and telephone to students and their families across the school, we aim to ensure there is a regular flow of communication to you all regarding additional support we can offer, alongside signposting partner agencies who can offer further guidance, remember we are here to help in any way we can.
For our Year 11 students, many have been contacted by the post 16 providers they have considered joining, with the majority of these now setting transition work and resources via their websites. We would strongly recommend that if not already done so, all Year 11 students spend some time looking at these materials where relevant to them. As we move into the weeks ahead, we will be doing further work to support the next stages in their development and aim to ensure that all move on successfully to achieve their future goals and ambitions.
At present we have no specific information from the government regarding when schools will re-open; but will continue to communicate with you throughout the period of closure to give any relevant updates. Should you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the relevant member of staff in school via e-mail, or for any ICT access related issues via Remember that the Study Zone section on the school website also contains a wealth of information which is there to support.
On behalf of all our school community, thank you again for all you are doing, and well done to all of our young people for the resilience and responsibility they are demonstrating during these times.
Stay Safe!
Mr L. Tristham
Senior Deputy Headteacher
Date Published: 01 May 2020