Uniform Swop Shop
If you need new uniform items, these can be requested from reception for a small voluntary donation. Please contact reception by email if you would like to make use of this service.
Dear Parents and Carers
As you may be aware we operate a uniform swap shop at Charlton. Families can donate items of Charlton School uniform that are no longer needed by their child and swap them for larger sizes. Good quality and clean donations are also accepted and stored in reception where they are distributed on request, depending on availability. We are so pleased that the uniform swap shop is being used by our families. We have a particular plea for certain items, such as blazers, trousers and PE kit. If you have any of these, or other items, and you can donate, we would be very grateful.
If you are able to support the uniform swap shop, please contact the reception team on the following email address: Reception@taw.org.uk. Alternatively, you can drop washed items into reception.
If you need new uniform items, these can be requested from reception for a small voluntary donation. Please contact reception by email if you would like to make use of this service.
Kind regards,
A Vickers
Date Published: 09 May 2022