Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable Update
Please find attached an updated copy of the Year 11 mock exam timetable.
Dear Parent / Carer,
Please click here for an updated copy of the Year 11 mock exam timetable. Unfortunately, it has been necessary to make some changes to the timetable in terms of on which days the exams are held. This has been brought about due to current isolation of a small number of Year 11 students and the availability of our invigilators due to the National Lockdown, and with some being identified as needing to shield. We will now be reliant on existing Charlton staff only, and the changes have been made to bring the mock exam timetable in line with the Year 11 teaching timetable to free up colleagues to supervise the exams.
Please can I take this opportunity to remind you that it is vital that students follow the guidelines and do not attend school if either themselves or any family member are displaying symptoms of Covid-19, are awaiting a test result, or have tested positive.
For morning examinations, students should go directly to the Sports Hall for 9.00am. Students not involved in examinations should attend their normal morning lessons. For afternoon examinations, Year 11 will be on first sitting for lunch during this period, and students should report to the Sports Hall for 12.50pm. Students not involved in examinations should attend their normal afternoon lessons.
If an afternoon exam finishes before the end of the school day, students will be released early and allowed to go home. If you DO NOT want your child leaving school early, please can you let the school know as soon as possible. Students who use school transport can wait in school.
I apologise for any inconvenience caused to students due to this change.
Kind regards
Mr McNaughton
Date Published: 18 Nov 2020