Charlton School

Confirmed Covid-19 Cases and Lockdown Guidance 05.11.2020

We have been informed of two positive cases amongst our student body in Year 11. Parents have received a text and personalised email informing them of the need to isolate, if their child is a close contact or in the same class. Please check your spam folder if you were expecting one.

5th November 2020

Dear Parent/Carers,

Confirmed Covid-19 Cases and Lockdown Guidance

We have been informed of two positive cases amongst our student body in Year 11.  Parents have received a text and personalised email informing them of the need to isolate, if their child is a close contact or in the same class. Please check your spam folder if you were expecting one. 

Attached with this letter is an updated guide to our home learning plans, providing greater clarity about what you can expect if your child is in isolation.

Despite the cases both being in Year 11, we believe them to be isolated incidents with transmission having happened through the household.  Please can I take this opportunity to remind all parents that it is of vital importance that as a community we follow the rules below regarding not attending school in these circumstances.


  • Students should not attend school if either themselves or any member of their household are showing coronavirus symptoms, they should remain off until the outcomes of a test are known
  • Students should not attend school if either themselves or any member of their household are awaiting the results of a coronavirus test, they can return to school if the test is negative
  • Students should not attend school if either themselves or any member of their household have had a positive test result.


Failure to abide by these guidelines makes controlling the virus in school impossible and will lead to having significant periods of isolation for our students, something all of us want to avoid.  We would urge families to err on the side of caution and if you are concerned about coronavirus symptoms or are in the situations above, families should remain at home and follow the Government guidance.

As you will know, and since my letter on Sunday, the country has now entered a 4-week period of National Lockdown.  The full guidance for this can be found at the link below:

It is again vital that you familiarise yourselves with the guidance and all of our school community abide by the rules to lower the rate of infection in Telford and Wrekin and to ultimately reduce the number of cases being brought in to school.

In the guidance to schools, the Government has decided that all extra-curricular clubs will need to stop during the National lockdown and so from tomorrow, Friday 6th November, all after-school clubs will cease until the lockdown is lifted.  This does not include session 6 for Year 11.  These will continue to run for students still in school, as they are an integral part of our curriculum offer.

As with the Tier 2 guidance, National lockdown requires that face coverings (masks) are mandatory for all secondary school students and staff, unless they are medically exempt from wearing one. 

Please ensure you have provided a mask for your child, they will need to wear one in all communal areas in school (corridors, open areas and the canteen, unless eating), at all times, including entering and exiting the building.  Students will not be permitted to walk around the building without a mask.

As a school community we will continue to do all we can to prevent the spread of coronavirus.  The easiest way to do this is to keep the virus out of the building.  We urge all families to support us by following the guidance above and to ensure your child wears a face mask as required.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours faithfully

Mr A McNaughton
