Charlton School

Letter from the Principal 31.10.22

Welcome back, I hope you and your family had an enjoyable half-term break and the students are returning refreshed and ready to continue their learning journeys.

31st October 2022

Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome back, I hope you and your family had an enjoyable half-term break and the students are returning refreshed and ready to continue their learning journeys.

This half-term will see our Year 11 students sit a full set of mock examination and Year 7 will be sitting their first set of assessments, the CAT tests.

Parent Governor Vacancy

I am delighted to share that we have a Parent Governor vacancy on our Governing Body.  We are very fortunate to have a very well informed and proactive Governing Body and are interested to receive a note of interest via email to from any interested parents with students in Year 11 to Year 7 who may wish to join the team and further support the work of the Governing Body in school.

On receiving the note of interest via email, the parent will be contacted by school to further discuss the role and level of commitment needed.  Our Governors are keen to receive notes of interest from all parents, especially those who represent the diverse nature of our school community.  Please email your interest to school by Wednesday 9th November.

Intercom System on Reception

Over the holiday we have had an intercom system fitted to the main reception doors, any visitors to reception will need to press the intercom button and they will be spoken to by a member of the reception team prior to being allowed to enter reception.

Over the Christmas holiday a canopy will be getting built outside of reception to give our visitors some protection from the weather whilst waiting to be let into the school building.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours faithfully

Mr A McNaughton
