Uniform - Warm Weather
With the good weather forecast to continue into next week, with the welcome news of temperatures potentially being a degree or two lower, we will continue to allow students to not wear ties or blazers. We will review this again for the week beginning 26th June.
Dear Parent/Carer,
With the good weather forecast to continue into next week, with the welcome news of temperatures potentially being a degree or two lower, we will continue to allow students to not wear ties or blazers. We will review this again for the week beginning 26th June.
The relaxation of this rule does not mean students can attend school wearing PE kit or any other non-uniform items, they should still be wearing a school shirt and school trousers or school skirt. Skirts need to be of the approved style; this is pleated and of knee length. For students who choose to wear non-permitted items, we will contact parents/carers and request that they return home and put on the correct uniform before returning to school.
Thank you for your support in ensuring students are abiding by the jewellery rules we reminded you of recently (only a wristwatch and a single pair of small gold stud earrings are permitted). We have seen a marked improvement in this. Full details of our uniform expectations can be found on our website at the following location:
Finally, I would like to congratulate our Year 11 students on the completion of their GCSEs and for their exemplary conduct throughout the exams. We look forward to seeing them in the summer to collect their results. From Monday, our Year 10 students start a full set of GCSE mock exams.
These are really important in supporting them to be fully prepared for the exams next summer, which frighteningly, are already only 170 school days away from starting!
Yours faithfully,
Mr A McNaughton
Date Published: 16 Jun 2023