Charlton School

Established Official Prayer Space

At Charlton we have established an official prayer space. It is a multi-faith space for students to pray if their religion requires them to do so, within the timings of the school day. We have consulted with members of the community to establish the necessary requirements for the space and have arranged that it is placed next to a toilet with washing facilities.

September 2021


Dear Parent/Carer

At Charlton we have established an official prayer space. It is a multi-faith space for students to pray if their religion requires them to do so, within the timings of the school day. We have consulted with members of the community to establish the necessary requirements for the space and have arranged that it is placed next to a toilet with washing facilities.

It is vitally important that the space is respected, so that children can pray without distraction. There should be no eating or drinking in the room (except water) and the sole purpose of the space is for prayer. The room will not be actively supervised therefore, students are expected to behave appropriately in the Charlton way, following the rules of respect, responsibility and resilience at all times. We also ask that they keep noise to a minimum whilst travelling to and from the room, so as not to disrupt those who may be working close by. Please be advised that if individuals are not behaving appropriately, they will have access withdrawn. 

The room may be accessed during lunchtime by request at the school reception. If you agree to your child accessing the space to pray, please sign the consent sheet at the bottom of this letter and return it to reception at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully


A Vickers

Assistant Vice Principal

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