Charlton School

We aim to create a culture where staff and students flourish in safety and dignity. This culture permeates through every aspect of school life. We believe good behaviour is central to a good education. At Charlton we manage behaviour well, therefore providing a calm, safe and supportive environment which children and young people want to attend, enabling them to learn and thrive. We proactively support students to behave appropriately by teaching explicitly what good behaviour looks like, through our behaviour and character curriculums with appropriate additional support for some students to reach the expected standard of behaviour. Where possible, this support is identified and put in place as soon as possible to avoid misbehaviour occurring in the first place.


We believe all students are entitled to a culture that promotes positive attitudes to learning so that we can nurture happy, healthy young people who have the knowledge, resilience, academic achievement, and strength of character to lead safe and successful lives in modern Britain. We aim to:

  • Maintain a safe, caring, secure and orderly community in which the boundaries of acceptable behaviour are clear, shared and consistent, and reflect current and up to date Government legislation.
  • Ensure that all students and parents/carers are clear about the school’s expectations and encourage positive relationships between school and home.
  • Encourage a consistent, persistent and insistent approach to promoting outstanding behaviour and having clear responses to any behaviour which does not meet expectations.  
  • Ensure that all staff are well trained and therefore implement the behaviour curriculum and school routines consistently, fairly and with warmth and care.

The Behaviour Curriculum 

At Charlton we believe that students must be taught how to behave. The knowledge, understanding and skills required must be taught and our high standards and expectations must be made explicitly clear. We define good behaviour as students developing positive habits that help them excel in school and prepare them for their next steps in education or employment. When students leave Charlton, they should have the skills to:

  • Show Respect; Students show respect and are positive, caring and kind.
  • Behave Responsibly; Students take responsibility for their actions behave responsibly.
  • Be Resilient; Students are committed to their learning and resilient to setbacks.
  • Behave Safely; students are able to keep themselves and others emotionally and physically safe.

Developing positive habits that help a student excel in school.

Communicate Respectfully

Act and speak respectfully to others, this includes on the way to and from school.

Think about the language you use before you speak. Always remain respectful in your conversations.

Use manners and show kindness.

Be respectful and polite to other students, staff, visitors and members of the local community.

Behave Respectfully

Treat all members of the school community with respect, treat others how you would wish to be treated.

Respect the school uniform policy; take pride in wearing your uniform correctly; you are an ambassador for Charlton school.

Never walk away from a member of staff when they are speaking to you.

Respect Our Environment

Look after your learning environment, keep it clean and tidy.

Put litter in the bins provided.

Have pride and look after the school building and equipment.

Stick to rules regarding specialist rooms and areas of the school.

Stay on the ground floor during break and lunch.

Respect our Learning

Arriving to lessons as quickly as possible, not just within 5 minutes

Work with staff members to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Take pride in the presentation of your work.

Low level disruption is not tolerated.


Responsibility for your actions

Be responsible for your actions.

Be responsible for your words.

Always show responsible behaviour outside of school

Do not engage in inappropriate behaviour when using the internet or social media.

Responsibility for behaviour

Take ownership of how your actions effect the rest of the class or year group.

Always try to make sure your behaviour meets the school’s expectations. 

Apologise if something has gone wrong and learn from mistakes.

Responsibility to attend school

Attend school every single day.

Attend school on time every single day. Y7-Y9 attend line ups.

Attend school with the correct uniform and equipment.

Attend all lessons.

Do not leave lessons without permission.

Avoid going to the toilet during lesson times wherever possible.

Responsibility for your learning

Take ownership of your learning

Contribute positively and complete work to the best of your ability.

Work with staff members to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Follow classroom routines.

Always have a printed copy of your timetable and know which lesson you are going to next.

Complete homework to the best of your ability and hand it in on time.

Resilient mindset

Show you have a growth mindset and do not give up when things get difficult.

Understand that learning and developing your character traits can be hard work but it is worth it.

Set personal goals and hold yourself to high standards.

Work hard to improve.

Resilience in Lessons

Attempt all work that is set.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

Never quit and walk away.

Ask for help when you need it.

Work hard, stay motivated and focus on the task.

Enjoy new challenges.

Try your best, you will be rewarded for your effort.

Resilience around the school

When things go wrong speak to people respectfully away from the situation.

Deal with any sanctions that are applied, don’t bury your head in the sand.

Report concerns don’t allow things to escalate.

Resilience with each other

Show patience with each other.

You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you do have to be respectful and kind. 

If there is a disagreement, ask for help from a member of staff. 

At all times remain respectful, kind and safe.

Physical Safety

No unwanted physical contact

Respect each other’s personal space or ‘bubble’.

Move around the school site in a safe, sensible, calm and orderly manner, stay on the left of corridors.

Report anything which makes you feel unsafe to a trusted adult or the safeguarding team.

Go straight to your next lesson by the quickest route, following the one-way system.

Emotional Safety

Students show respect and are positive, caring and kind.

Speak to your form tutor, safeguarding team or another trusted adult if something is upsetting you.

Classroom Safety

Enter the classroom calmly and sensibly, get straight on with the task.

At the end of the lesson pack up all equipment, stand up behind chairs and wait to be dismissed.

When moving between tasks follow instructions carefully

Do not get up out of your seat without permission.

Put your hand up to ask a question, do not shout out.

Safety during Unstructured Times

Follow staff instructions first time, every time without question.

Enter and leave the school sensibly.

Report any concerns to a member of staff on duty.

Keep footballs/basketballs below head hight.

Stay off the grass when it is wet.

Queue sensibly, step forward when told to do so by the staff member on duty.

Outstanding behaviour builds on this and assumes a heightened level of citizenship, community spirit and independence of thought and action regarding effective learning. Underpinning outstanding behaviour are our shared character virtues of gratitude, compassion, humility, justice, courage, integrity and honesty.

Character Education


Character Education sits at the heart of our whole school Ethos. The curriculum and the school’s wider work supports learners to develop their character, including their resilience, confidence, and independence. Character education is systematically delivered for all students. Resources from the Jubilee Centre for Character Education and PiXL Loric Quick Start Character Education Programme are utilised to inform planning of character education assemblies. Positive personal traits, dispositions, and virtues are also taught explicitly through the curriculum and co-curriculum.

Charlton students are Respectful, Responsible and Resilient citizens who are prepared for their next steps and ready to make a positive contribution to the wider community. They actively contribute to their local community by taking part in community activities and organisations. Charlton is a Rights Respecting School (UNICEF UK).

We promote the following virtues with all members of the school community:

Gratitude: Feeling and expressing thanks.

Compassion: Exhibiting care and concern for others.

Humility: Estimating oneself within reasonable limits.

Justice: Acting with fairness towards others by honouring rights and responsibilities.

Courage: Acting with bravery in fearful situations.

Integrity: The quality of having strong moral principles and standing up for what you believe in.

Honesty: Being truthful and sincere.

Attitude to learning

Attitude to learning (ATL) descriptors make expectations of attitudes to learning in lessons clear and are in line with core values of respect, responsibility, and resilience. ATL data analysis informs rewards and interventions to encourage confident, resilient, and independent learners. This includes letters of commendation for students achieving an average of ‘outstanding’ each term. House points and reward systems are also aligned with school values of respect, responsibility, and resilience. Points are awarded by staff where positive personal traits are demonstrated both in relation to learning and the wider contribution to the school community. 

Classroom Management

We understand that staff are responsible for creating a positive learning environment by ensuring the curriculum and associated policies and procedures are followed consistently. Every member of staff understands it is their responsibility to maintain a positive and respectful culture within the school. In every classroom there are high expectations of behaviour and attitudes. We expect staff to provide high levels of individual challenge, ensuring students feel supported and encouraged, this promotes positive attitudes to learning, which teaches students to be committed to their learning and resilient to setbacks.


We promote the use of ‘the 3 R’s’:

Relationships: warm, caring interactions; calm, consistent adult behaviour where recognition outweighs sanction

Routines: classroom routines as a fundamental source of high expectations and standards

Responses: strategies and interventions for de-escalating confrontation and encouraging positive behaviour


You can read the full Behaviour for Learning Policy Here.