English as an Additional Language
Alison Prosser - Assistant Vice Principal - Inclusion
English as an Additional Language
We are fully committed to a policy of inclusion and we aim to integrate all students fully into the life of the school. To this end we acknowledge the fact that all teachers are teachers of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and our ethos is one of helping both staff and students to thrive in an inclusive environment. All children admitted to the school, including those with disabilities, have access to our broad and balanced curriculum offer.
The SEND department at Charlton supports the needs of learners. Our staff can support and give advice about how best to meet any additional learning needs a child may have.
Student support is seen as a whole school commitment involving every individual; each having a responsibility to offer quality first teaching, providing engaging and challenging experiences across the curriculum and pastoral support. Our team of specialist teachers and support staff offer special needs provision, integrating students and providing small group support where necessary.
Students identified as needing support will be supported in the following ways:
Students spend the majority of their time in mainstream lessons with their peers; however, in order to maximise their potential as learners we provide additional intervention to ensure that students have a secure grasp of essential skills. In addition, personalised timetables can be implemented, where it is deemed to be of benefit to the student.
The admission of students with Education, Health and Care Plans are negotiated with the Local Authority, the parents and the school.
Further information can be sought through Telford & Wrekin by following this link:
Mrs Lane - Senior Teaching Assistant
Physical & Sensory and Access Arrangement Lead
Miss Walsh - Senior Teaching Assistant
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Mrs S Davies - Senior Teaching Assistant
Communication and Interaction
Miss Whitford
Mrs Tarsitano
Miss Sumnall
Mrs Skelding
Mrs Watkiss
Mrs Swanson
Bridge Lead
Mr. Millar
Mrs Gull
Mrs Lockley
Mrs. Higgs
Mrs Feber