For information regarding School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State please visit the Department for Education.
The Principal’s Summary of GCSE results for 2024 (Validated Data)
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
Our aim at Charlton is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which allows students to achieve qualifications in the core subjects, English and Mathematics; together with the suite of Ebaac subjects including Science, Geography, History, Modern Foreign languages and Computer Science. In addition, there are opportunities to gain qualifications in Technology, Expressive Arts, PE, Media Studies and ICT.
We would like to congratulate the class of 2024 on their achievement and progress in this year’s GCSE results. They were faced with a full exam series, with little to no support from the exam boards, for only the second time since the Covid-19 pandemic. No one can truly understand how challenging this time has been for them.
We are proud, that as in previous years, the vast majority of students have been able to move on to relevant education, employment or training as a result of their outcomes at Charlton School; we are confident that this year’s student will have many options open to them.
The data below is the unvalidated data provided by the DfE, it will increase slightly due to a number of improved grades approved through reviews of marking with the exam boards.
The 2024 validated headline figures for Charlton School are as follows:
- The percentage of students who achieved a Grade 5 pass in English (either Language or Literature) and Mathematics was 26%
- The percentage of students who achieved a Grade 4 pass in English (either Language or Literature) and Mathematics was 51%
- The average total Attainment 8 (A8) was 39
- The Progress 8 (P8) score was -0.4
- The average EBacc APS score per pupil was 3.47
- The percentage of students entered for the Ebacc qualification was 51.7%
- The percentage of students that stayed in education or entering employment was 94% (2022 leavers cohort)