Charlton School

Published examination results.

Published examination results.

As I am sure you are aware, following the Government’s u-turn on Monday, these are the higher grade of either the Centre Assessed Grades the school have awarded you, or the standardised scores from the exam board.

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20 Aug 2020

Proposed Home to School Bus Operations from September 2020

Proposed Home to School Bus Operations from September 2020

Further to our previous letter regarding home to school transport from September 2020, we are advising you of changes to the service to ensure your child has a safe return to school for the start of the autumn term.

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19 Aug 2020

Year 11 LEAVERS  - Message from Principal

Year 11 LEAVERS - Message from Principal

Exam Results information – Please read!

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14 Aug 2020

Important Transport Update

Important Transport Update

We have been asked to share the attached letter with all families.  It is in relation to school transport, both dedicated school transport and public transport services.

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23 Jul 2020

15.07.20 LCT Update to Parents

15.07.20 LCT Update to Parents

This is my final letter of the term and the school year as we close our schools tomorrow for the summer holidays.

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15 Jul 2020

End of Year Letter and September Re-opening Details

End of Year Letter and September Re-opening Details

As we come to the end of a very different school year, it is our last day tomorrow, I want to pass on our appreciation from all of us at Charlton for your many messages of support during the most difficult of times.

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15 Jul 2020

10.07.2020 Update to Parents

10.07.2020 Update to Parents

I hope all is well with you and your family and that life is a little easier as some of the lockdown measures are relaxed.

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10 Jul 2020

Examination results 2020

Examination results 2020

Due to the Covid-19 restrictions that remain in place and through consultation with the Learning Community Trust, a decision has been made that results will either be emailed or sent to students via post this year.

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06 Jul 2020

03.07.20 LCT Update to Parents

03.07.20 LCT Update to Parents

Welcome to Friday and July, the end of the Summer Term is rapidly approaching!

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03 Jul 2020