Charlton School

Update to Parents/Carers 28.01.21

Update to Parents/Carers 28.01.21

Thank you for your continued efforts with home learning, we have now delivered well over 3000 online lessons and set many more hours of independent work to complete.

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28 Jan 2021

Free School Meal Update

Free School Meal Update

Telford & Wrekin Council have anticipated that as a result of COVID, more families will now reach the threshold for Free School Meals. If your circumstances have recently changed you may find that your child is now entitled to free school meals.

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25 Jan 2021

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Update

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Update

I hope that you are all staying safe and well? As we come to the end of the third week of lockdown, I wanted to send out another Emotional Health and Wellbeing update, as next week is our Wellbeing week.

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22 Jan 2021

Principal - Letter to Parents  22.01.2021

Principal - Letter to Parents 22.01.2021

We would like to thank you for the support you have shown Charlton through what has been arguably the most difficult period for education in recent history. The vast majority of students are engaging really well with their live lessons and coping inc

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22 Jan 2021

Online educational workshops for your child on the 26th of January, 2021

Online educational workshops for your child on the 26th of January, 2021

I hope you and your family are safe and well. Before the lockdown period, Charlton School were planning a ‘Curriculum Enhancement’ Day on January 26th, 2021, in order for students across all year groups to participate in activities linked to higher e

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21 Jan 2021

Covid lateral flow testing centre at Charlton School

Covid lateral flow testing centre at Charlton School

Ever-changing situation for schools is ‘relentless’ With a 22-year career in education Andy McNaughton says he could never have imagined being at the helm of a secondary school as it is today.

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14 Jan 2021

GCSEPOD Available for YR9!

GCSEPOD Available for YR9!

We are delighted to announce that Charlton School has recently invested in GCSEPod, the award-winning digital content and revision provider used by over 1250 schools worldwide.

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12 Jan 2021

Reading at Home

Reading at Home

At Charlton we take pride in being a reading school and as such, ensure your child reads for a minimum of 15 minutes a day with a fortnightly library session (during one of their English lessons) in which they are given a full hour to read independen

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08 Jan 2021

T&W Peripatetic instrumental lessons - moving to remote learning

T&W Peripatetic instrumental lessons - moving to remote learning

We wanted to advise you that we are moving  our peripatetic instrumental lessons to online from next week  which will be delivered again via Microsoft Teams.

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08 Jan 2021