Charlton School

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

I hope that you are all well, and you had a good break, despite it all being very different for many of you this year.

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08 Jan 2021

 08.01.21 LCT Update to Parents

08.01.21 LCT Update to Parents

I hope you and your families had a good Christmas, despite all the restrictions we had to follow, and I wish you all the best for 2021.

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08 Jan 2021

Year 11 examinations (Vocational and GCSEs)

Year 11 examinations (Vocational and GCSEs)

Following the announcement of lockdown and school closures the exam boards have been in discussions with the Department for Education (DfE) and the Government, to resolve what happens for the forthcoming January vocational and the summer series of ex

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07 Jan 2021

Increased mobile data allowances for children and young people

Increased mobile data allowances for children and young people

To support students with accessing home learning resources during the current national lockdown the Department for Education (DFE) are piloting a scheme to increase mobile data allowances for children and young people.

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06 Jan 2021

January 2021 Home Learning

January 2021 Home Learning

I hope that you managed to have an enjoyable Christmas break despite the current circumstances.  The purpose of this letter is to share with you the confirmation of the home learning arrangements that will take place during the current national lockd

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05 Jan 2021

Critical Worker & Vulnerable Children Arrangements UPDATE

Critical Worker & Vulnerable Children Arrangements UPDATE

In light of tonight’s announcement we will be reverting to a skeleton staffing structure in school, to allow staff to work from home on setting and delivering remote learning.

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04 Jan 2021

Critical Worker & Vulnerable Children Arrangements

Critical Worker & Vulnerable Children Arrangements

Thank you for your emails and your request for your child to attend school from 5th January, as you are either a critical worker or they fall into one of the vulnerable categories.

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04 Jan 2021

January 2021 Return to School Arrangements

January 2021 Return to School Arrangements

Year 7 to Year 10 will return to school on Monday 18th January. Please note this change of date due to the cancellation of the PD day previously scheduled for this day.

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04 Jan 2021

Update to Start of Term Arrangements From Principal 311220 V2

Update to Start of Term Arrangements From Principal 311220 V2

I am sure you have heard the news that the government have announced changes to the staggered start to the new term in January 2021.

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30 Dec 2020