Charlton School

Post 16 taster opportunities

Post 16 taster opportunities

As we head towards the end of Year 11, I want to inform you of opportunities for your child following the May 28th leaving date. The Academy has a responsibility to offer your child educational opportunities that should include careers development an

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21 May 2021

A message from the Principal 12.05.2021

A message from the Principal 12.05.2021

May I firstly take this opportunity to wish the Muslim members of our community a Blessed Eid to you and your family in the coming days, Eid Mubarak lakum aw-li-‘a’ilatakum.

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12 May 2021

Year 11 GCSE Examinations 2021

Year 11 GCSE Examinations 2021

I appreciate that it has been a difficult and challenging time for you with the cancelling of the exams for the summer 2021 series, and you may have concerns and questions about the GCSE results this year.

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05 May 2021

Update to parents 30.04.21

Update to parents 30.04.21

I hope you are well and managed to see more of your family and friends over the last couple of weeks.

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30 Apr 2021

Mayor's Special Recognition Award for Charlton School

Mayor's Special Recognition Award for Charlton School

For April Charlton School were nominated by Councillors and selected by the Mayor for a Special Recognition Award.

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23 Apr 2021

A message from the Principal 23/04/2021

A message from the Principal 23/04/2021

Welcome back to the summer term, it was lovely having the students start back straight after Easter, having not needed to carry our mass testing or having any additional measures needing to be put in place.  Our students are now very used to the “new

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23 Apr 2021

Letter to Parents 14/04/2021

Letter to Parents 14/04/2021

As we look forward to returning next week the DfE have confirmed that face coverings should continue to be worn in school, including in classrooms, except when to where a face covering would impact on the ability to take part in exercise or strenuous

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14 Apr 2021

30.03.21 LCT Update to Parents and Carers

30.03.21 LCT Update to Parents and Carers

I hope you and your families are enjoying this lovely weather and been able to meet up with loved ones following the relaxation of some of the lockdown measures. It does feel as if we are emerging from this awful situation and that with the improving

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30 Mar 2021

Year 10 Lesson 6 Arrangements: Lesson 6 (3.10pm to 4.10pm Monday to Friday)

Year 10 Lesson 6 Arrangements: Lesson 6 (3.10pm to 4.10pm Monday to Friday)

The purpose of this email is to inform you of the Lesson 6 intervention sessions that will be starting for Year 10 students the week commencing 19th April 2021.  These sessions take place between 3.10pm and 4.10pm each day, with each subject taking p

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30 Mar 2021