Charlton School

Child Employment

Child Employment

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of you about the legislation concerning Child Employment and what you need to know should your child wish to take on part-time work whilst still at school.

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09 May 2022

Message from Principal 05.04.22

Message from Principal 05.04.22

As we approach the end of the spring term, I wanted to provide you with an update on some staffing changes and about our school uniform plans for September 2022, considering the new DfE uniform guidance and following feedback from one of our parent g

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05 Apr 2022

04.04.22 LCT Update to Parents and Carers

04.04.22 LCT Update to Parents and Carers

As you are aware the government, from 1st April, has moved to a position called “Living with Covid” which has seen the removal of all testing and the classification of Covid as a respiratory disease, that is managed in line with similar illnesses.

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04 Apr 2022

14.03.22 LCT Update to all Parents and Carers

14.03.22 LCT Update to all Parents and Carers

I hope you and your family are well. As I write the sun is shining and there is lots of blue sky which makes everyone feel so much better.

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14 Mar 2022

Unlock your potential with the Young Person Grant!

Unlock your potential with the Young Person Grant!

Whether you are looking to learn a new skill, start up a business, or simply need the right equipment to help you on your pathway to success, the Leader and Cabinet Members’ Young Person Grant Scheme is here to help. We believe in investing in our yo

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08 Mar 2022

World Book Day fun Continues at Charlton 

World Book Day fun Continues at Charlton 

Staff and students at Charlton School in Wellington, Telford jumped into role on Friday to celebrate the 25th birthday of World Book Day.

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04 Mar 2022

Standards and Expectations

Standards and Expectations

I hope you are keeping well and enjoyed spending some time with your children over the half term and the weather did not spoil to many of your plans!

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03 Mar 2022

Welcome Back and Covid Updates

Welcome Back and Covid Updates

Welcome back to a new half-term, despite the weather, I hope you managed to get out and do some things you enjoy.

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02 Mar 2022

Water Closure UPDATE

Water Closure UPDATE

We have just had notification that a temporary fix has been applied to the water system and we will be OPEN tomorrow. We will not be able to facilitate after school clubs until further notice. PE Away fixtures are not affected.

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28 Feb 2022