Charlton School

12.06.20 LCT update to parents

12.06.20 LCT update to parents

I hope you and your families are safe and well. It has been a long time in lockdown and I know it has not always been easy for you balancing working from home, childcare and home schooling.

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12 Jun 2020

Year 10  - School Reopening Information 08.06.20

Year 10 - School Reopening Information 08.06.20

Over the half-term holiday the Government finally released guidance for secondary schools on the wider reopening of the schools, to provide some face to face contact for Year 10 students to supplement the remote education they are doing, which will r

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08 Jun 2020

05.06.20 LCT Update to Parents

05.06.20 LCT Update to Parents

I hope you and your families are safe and well. It is a shock to see the weather change in the last few days but I am sure we will see a return to sunny days.

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05 Jun 2020

Year 10 Week of Work

Year 10 Week of Work

Next week, schools across the nation are hosting a ‘Week of Work’ programme. The idea is to give students the opportunity to interact with employers and participate in lessons to substitute what would have been their work experience. Below is an ov

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04 Jun 2020

Home Learning Update 04.06.20

Home Learning Update 04.06.20

I hope that you managed to have an enjoyable half term break despite the current circumstances. The purpose of this letter is to share with you some changes that we are making to the home learning timetable from the week commencing Monday 8th June.

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04 Jun 2020

22.05.20 LCT Update to Parents

22.05.20 LCT Update to Parents

We have spent another week trying to make key decisions for our schools to extend their opening and preparing for this.

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22 May 2020

Emotional Wellbeing Letter to Parents 21.05.20

Emotional Wellbeing Letter to Parents 21.05.20

As we move closer to the end of this half term, there is a lot of uncertainty around how lockdown will be eased, as well as disrupted routine and restricted freedom that we are all experiencing.

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21 May 2020

Update to Parents 20.05.2020

Update to Parents 20.05.2020

We have spent the last few days refining our plans for the increased opening of our schools, and I must stress that at this stage we will only

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20 May 2020