Charlton School

Parent Update from Dr Eatough 17.03.20

Parent Update from Dr Eatough 17.03.20

I just wanted to update you on the position today. We are still operating our schools as instructed by the Government and our staff have been absolutely fantastic supporting us in doing that. We are experiencing staffing issues where staff are self-i

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17 Mar 2020

Cancellation of Year 10 Work Experience

Cancellation of Year 10 Work Experience

Re: Cancellation of Year 10 Work Experience Prior to yesterday we had started to receive increasing numbers of cancellations and forecast, due to the government changes, this will continue to increase in the coming days.

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17 Mar 2020

Potential enforced school closure TRL 17032020[3]

Potential enforced school closure TRL 17032020[3]

Re: Update re COVID-19 and Potential School Closure Following previous communication from the school and the Learning Community Trust, I write to provide further information regarding arrangements for all students should any decision be made for t

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17 Mar 2020

Cancellation of School Clubs and Fixtures

Cancellation of School Clubs and Fixtures

There will be no After School Clubs or Fixtures until further notice. Lesson 6s will go ahead as planned.

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16 Mar 2020

updated charlton letter from Principal 17032020[1].pdf

updated charlton letter from Principal 17032020[1].pdf

Re: Latest Government Advice Coronavirus – Covid-19 As I am sure many of you are aware, the government yesterday announced new strict measures in the delay phase of limiting the spread of the Coronavirus – Covid-19.

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11 Mar 2020

Knife Crime UPDATE

Knife Crime UPDATE

You may have seen through the local media, or by visiting the Knife Angel structure yourself, at Southwater, as part of the commitment to bring the Knife Angel to Telford, West Mercia police and the Local Authority agreed to share information with th

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09 Mar 2020

GCSE Exam Timetables

GCSE Exam Timetables

MESSAGE TO ALL YR11, 10, 8 & 9 who are sitting external exams this summer:

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03 Mar 2020

Early School Closure - Wednesday 18th March

Early School Closure - Wednesday 18th March

Further to my letter prior to half-term, informing you of the sad loss of our much-loved colleague, Janice McLellan, I am writing to inform you of an early school closure to allow colleagues to attend the funeral.

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28 Feb 2020

Yr11 Band to play live gig in Stafford

Yr11 Band to play live gig in Stafford

West Midlands Music - Spotlight Redrum, Stafford,, ST16 2BA Thu 19th March 2020

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27 Feb 2020