Charlton School

Parent Update 27.03.20

Parent Update 27.03.20

I do hope you and your families are well and keeping safe. I just wanted to send you a message as we complete our first week in this strange new world we are all living in. I do believe if we maintain the social distancing, stay at home as much as p

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27 Mar 2020

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Programme

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Programme

At Charlton School we believe that helping our students stay healthy by supporting their Emotional Health and Wellbeing is vitally important. We recognise that there are enormous challenges for everyone at the moment and have therefore created a page

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24 Mar 2020

RE: Year 11 GCSE Grades Summer 2020

RE: Year 11 GCSE Grades Summer 2020

I wanted to keep you updated as much as possible with any guidance we receive in school. You may be aware the government released an update late last week:

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24 Mar 2020

Message from the Princiapal 20.03.2020

Message from the Princiapal 20.03.2020

As you are aware school is now closed until further notice, unless you have notified us of the need for your child to attend, either because they are classed as vulnerable, or you are a key worker involved in the frontline response to the Covid-19 vi

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20 Mar 2020

Critical Worker Update 20.03.20

Critical Worker Update 20.03.20

You must register your child today by 7:00pm today, if you are eligible to be classed as a critical worker and require your child to be in school.  Please do this by sending an email to the address below so that we can put a suitable provision in pla

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20 Mar 2020

Key Worker Update 19.03.20

Key Worker Update 19.03.20

It has been the most challenging week in education that any of us has ever experienced and we have put every effort into keeping our schools functioning and to keep you informed as the issues have developed.

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19 Mar 2020

19.03.2020  IMPORTANT – SCHOOL CLOSURE from Monday 23rd March 2020

19.03.2020 IMPORTANT – SCHOOL CLOSURE from Monday 23rd March 2020

19.03.2020 IMPORTANT – SCHOOL CLOSURE from Monday 23rd March 2020

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19 Mar 2020

Yr11 Exams and Science Mocks - 18/03/2020 8pm

Yr11 Exams and Science Mocks - 18/03/2020 8pm

As a school we have no further information, other than what has been shared in the media this evening.  As soon as we have further clarification or any update on information, we will share this with you.

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18 Mar 2020

Parent Update from Dr Eatough 18.03.20

Parent Update from Dr Eatough 18.03.20

Update 18.03.20. I just wanted to continue to update you on the next steps we are taking. Unfortunately, we are still experiencing staffing shortages with further staff self-isolating because of the illness of a family member, childcare issues, or

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18 Mar 2020